2008 State Street Cruise and Dairy Queen Extravaganza

This run has come to signal dramatic weather and of course rain. This year was no exception with clouds boiling around but the temps were in the 70's delightfully mild, warm and dry. Construction on the Capitol has been completed so once again we met in the employee's parking lot across from Memory Grove Park.

Assembled were Mitch & Diane Johnson in their Triumph Support Vehicle, Rob & Mary Foye in their TR 4, Jon Hermance in his MG TC, Kimberley & Dawn Owens in Kimberley's '04 MINI Cooper, Kevin & Marie Cowan in their PT Cruiser and your faithful scribe in his ML club support shuttle. Leaving the parking staging area with us was a mystery couple in a beautiful copper colored Dodge rig. They would accompany our little group south on State though not to the restaurant.

So under way south and straight away at the Seagull locals out for the afternoon noticed the Hermance "museum piece" MG TC, the Foye's Triumph and Kimberly's MINI. The attention would continue for the 90 blocks south into Sandy, rare machines up here on a Saturday evening to be sure. For the drive the temps remained in the 70's and the rain held with the sun splashing down in and out of the clouds. Just perfect.

Once at our destination we were welcomed at the restaurant by Joe and the new owner and relative Tiger. His crew served up scrumptious treats and the best onion rings around. Tiger's wife Jenny prepared the famous ice cream cake dessert only this time it had a thick brownie base. Ooooo, brownie. Jenny rules.

This is always such a welcome gentle drive and destination for our next to the last run of the year, 90 blocks south on surface streets noticing all the changes from the year prior along the way with friends in this delightful motor club.

--Paul Jaroch

Click here to see photos of the event